Student Stories

Jazzmin PippaJazzmin Pippa-von Hurst

COCC Psychology student

"Sociology opened my mind to have a better understanding of a person, their surroundings, and their environment," says Jazzmin Pippa-von Hurst, whose experience in Sociology is helping lay a strong foundation for her planned career as a relationship counselor. "I was curious about the societal issues that lead to individuals making the decisions they make and trying to have a better understanding of why," she adds. Beyond COCC, she is heading to Oregon State University-Cascades to pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with a goal of working in couples therapy.

Student Success StoryIsaac Shannon

COCC graduate, Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree
Master's degree candidate, California State University-Dominguez Hills

The interdisciplinary nature of sociology — combining themes from several different fields — is what drew Isaac Shannon into Sociology studies. His curiosities ranged from human behavior to social deviance. "Sociology classes at COCC covered many different interests of mine," he says. "I felt that I developed an understanding of key concepts that helped me in my last two years in college."

"My experience in this program was nothing but a positive one — each professor was approachable, knowledgeable and fun… I wasn't afraid to raise my hand in class."

Having received a bachelor's degree from California State University-Dominguez Hills, and now working toward a master's degree in education, curriculum and instruction, Shannon recalls how his start at COCC made all the difference, despite his nervousness around his learning disabilities.  

"Every instructor took time with their students and made their classes accessible and a productive learning environment," he remembers. "My experience in this program was nothing but a positive one — each professor was approachable, knowledgeable and fun… I wasn't afraid to raise my hand in class."

Shannon calls COCC a great launching point, a place where personalized attention and smaller class sizes helped him immeasurably. "Everything is adapted to your goals," he adds. "I think without COCC, I wouldn't have my bachelor's degree right now." His goal is to attend law school and one day work for the Innocence Project.

Student Success StoryKasey Ziegler

COCC graduate, Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree 
Bachelor's degree candidate, chemistry, University of Oregon

Planning for a future in the field of chemistry, Kasey Ziegler is appreciative of how non-science coursework at COCC brought an essential depth to his academic experience — with Sociology at the forefront.

"I am someone who is interested in politics and social and cultural issues, so I signed up for 'Intro to Sociology' and was curious to see what it would be like," he says. "I really enjoyed the instructor's enthusiasm with the topics that came up in class. He always made it a point to involve a variety of students in our discussions. Hearing the perspectives and opinions from different classmates on issues really helped me to see things from different angles. It wasn't just an instructor lecturing us on material."

"The class sizes are typically small, and the amount of communication and feedback that I've received from my instructors has been extremely helpful. This has been a great school for me."

That initial experience encouraged Ziegler to enroll in another class, "Social Deviance," and he found it extremely fascinating, recalling how the faculty were a major reason why Sociology had such an impact on him, remembering his instructors as fun, kind, and respectful.

Ziegler will soon pursue bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Oregon — as a scholarship recipient in the Oregon Pathways to Industrial Research Careers program — and will ultimately embark on a career connected to either polymers or pharmaceuticals. Having diverse, engaging coursework at COCC has been a fundamental layer to his higher ed journey. "The class sizes are typically small, and the amount of communication and feedback that I've received from my instructors has been extremely helpful. This has been a great school for me."