Services for Students with Disabilities

Department Main Contact:

Department Phone Number: 541-383-7583

Department Location: LIB #010 (Barber Library Lower Level), 2600 NW College Way, Bend, OR 97703

Faculty: Please also visit our department's intranet page for helpful accommodation information.

              Image of checkmark in circle. Apply Now!
    Visual Guides



             Image of 3 people in circle with questions marks in circles coming off it. Information for Parents and Counselors  
       Image of voice boxes one with lines other with question mark. FAQ


Department News:

  • Free American Sign Language lessons! Open to COCC students, COCC employees, and community members! 

       ASL Lunch Information



  • Accommodated Testing Center:

Services for Students with Disabilities now has their own testing center! Located in the lower level, Barber Library. Our check-in station is in room LIB 021, and the testing area is room LIB 020 and room LIB 009.

 Accommodated Testing Center Check In

Students in COCC Science CenterDepartment Policies:

COCC strives to make available to all students the opportunity for an excellent and rewarding education. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide federal guidelines which help the College ensure equal access to all students.


The Services for Students with Disabilities office works to provide access of COCC offerings for people with disabilities through partnerships with students, staff, faculty, and community members by providing education, advocacy and accommodations.

For any concerns regarding your accommodations, please contact us at  You can also review the following procedures: 

COCC campus maps and accessible parking areas:
