Visual Guides for Disability Services

Please click on the title to expand the visual guide. PDF attachments for auditory access are to come.

  • How to Request Your Accommodations

    Always start by logging into your Student Portal with Disability Services on the Student Login Page on COCC.

    Student Login Pointing to Disability Services icon

    1. After about 24-48 hours after you registered for classes. Logged into your account to be brought to your overview page.

    NOTE: If you do not see your overview page, you might be needing to complete an agreement form, please view the form and E-sign by typing your name and submit form.

    2. Click on ‘Add Requests for # Classes’ this number will be the total number of classes you are currently registered in.
    Overview Accommodation Request box. Pointing to plus sign symbol with link words; Add Request for # Classes

    3. This will bring you to a list of your course to choose which ones you wish to request accommodation(s) in.
         a. Select courses by check marking box next to course title.
         b. Click ‘Continue to Next Step’
    Accommodation Requests Select Courses box. Pointing at where to check mark courses. Also pointing at Continue to next step button.

    This will bring you to all of the courses listed out separately for to select all the accommodation(s) you would like in each course. You may review the course information by clicking on the down arrow next to Course Detail.
         a. Select your Accommodations for each course, by selecting the checkbox next to accommodation. NOTE: There is now a Select All option listed at the top, if you wish to do have all your accommodations selected.
         b. Click ‘Submit Request’
    Showing selecting accommodations for courses page. Circling where to view course detail. Pointing at checkboxes to select accommodations. Also pointing at submit request button.

    5. Once clicked and system processed you will receive a green checkmark stating ‘SUCCESS! YOUR ACTIONS HAS BEEN COMPLETED’.
    Success! Your action has been completed.

         a. If you do not receive this, the system was unsuccessful in processing and will receive an Error message explaining what it is needing for you to do.
    No accommodation selected. Please make selection from the list of available accommodation for each course. You can either select at least one accommodations or select "I do not need accommodation for this course' for the following course:
  • How to Modify Your Accommodation Requests
    Always start by logging into your Student Portal with Disability Services on the Student Login Page on COCC.

    Student Login page pointing to the Disability Services icon

    1. Using the Accommodation Requests box with current term under ‘List of Accommodation Requests:’ Click on the course you want to modify.

    Accommodation Requests box pointing at a course link under List of Accommodation Requests:

    2. This will bring you to the full request of this selected course. Scroll to ‘Accommodations’

    Accommodation Requests Course Information Overview. Circling Accommodations box

    3. Using the Accommodation box select or deselect the accommodation(s) checkbox to reflect the accommodation(s) you want to have in the course.
         a. Once selected/deselected your accommodations, Click on ‘Updated Request’

    Accommodations box. Pointing at accommodations selections checkbox. Also pointing at update request button

    4. Once clicked this will bring you back to the full Accommodation Request of this course with a green checkmark at the top of the page stating ‘Success! Your Action has been Completed’ if you did not receive this message the system did not go through correctly.
         a. You should also now see an update to the status of this request to read; ‘Status: Pending Changes (Student)’ this is meaning you have requested a change and is pending for Disability Services office to approve this change. Disability Services office will approve on the next business day.

    Circling "Success! Your action has been completed" and the status: Pending Changes (student)
  • How to Cancel Your Accommodation Requests
    Always start by logging into your Student Portal with Disability Services on the Student Login Page on COCC.

    Student Login page pointing to the Disability Services icon

    1. Using the Accommodation Requests box with current term under ‘List of Accommodation Requests:’ Click on the course you want to modify.

    Accommodation Requests box. Pointing at course link under List of Accommodation Requests:

    2. This will bring you to the full request of this selected course. Scroll to ‘Accommodations’

    Accommodations Requests Course Information overview. Circling Accommodations box title.

    3. Using the Accommodations box Click on ‘Cancel Request’ 

    Accommodations box. Pointing to Cancel Request button

    4. This will take you the Accommodation Requests page.
         a. Select a reason why you are cancelling this request by using the drop-down menu found in ‘Cancellation Reason’ box
         b. Click ‘Cancel Accommodation’

    Cancellation Reason box. Pointing to drop-down menu to select one. Also pointing at Cancel Accommodation button

    5. Once clicked this will bring you back to the full Accommodation Request of this course with a green checkmark at the top of the page stating ‘Success! Your Action has been Completed’ if you did not receive this message the system did not go through correctly.
         a. You should also now see an update to the status of this request to read; ‘Status: Pending Changes (Student)’ this is meaning you have requested a change and is pending for Disability Services office to approve this change. Disability Services office will approve on the next business day.

    Success! Your action has been completed circled. Status: Pending Changes (Student) is also circled.
  • How to View Your Eligibility
    Always start by logging into your Student Portal with Disability Services on the Student Login Page on COCC.

    Student Login page pointing to the Disability Services icon
    1. Using your ‘My Dashboard’ menu box found on the left-hand side of your screen, click on ‘My Eligibility’ tab that is bolded and in red color.

    Screenshot of My Dashboard with bold red circle around it. Red Arrow pointing to My Eligibility tab

    2. This will bring you to the ‘Academic Accommodations’ Scroll down to title ‘Eligibility’ to view your eligibility list.
    If you would like the full description on each accommodation, click on the arrow pointing down to expand the accommodation description.
                  a. If you would like to print/save this list with or without the description you may do this by generating a PDF.

    Eligibility titled circled in bold red. Red arrow pointing at drop arrow to expand description of accommodation
                   b. Using the ‘Handy Tools: Eligibility Letter in PDF’ box, click on either option; ‘Generate PDF’ or ‘Generate PDF with Description’

    Screenshot of Handy tools: eligibility letter in PDF circled in bold red. Two red arrows, one pointing upwards to Generate PDF button, second pointing upward to Generate PDF with Description button.
  • How To Confirm Notetaking Services and Accessing Your Notes
    ***NOTE Services for Students with Disabilities offices will monitor the viewing of Notes to ensure the request is being used. Services not being used, may lead to cancellations of services for said course.***

    Always start by logging into your Student Portal with Disability Services on the Student Login Page on COCC.

    Student Login page pointing to the Disability Services icon

    How To Confirm Notetaking Services

    1. Using the ‘Accommodations’ menu box found on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on ‘Notetaking Services’

    Screenshot of My Dashboard and Accommodations menu box. Accommodations circled in bold red. Red arrow is pointing at List Request tab.

    2. This will bring you to the ‘Notetaking Services’ full page for the current term.
              a. Using the middle box titled ‘Confirmation Needed’ and click on ‘View Request’

    Screenshot of notetaking services page. Red bold circle around middle box title confirmation needed. Red arrow pointing upward to view request button.

    3. This will bring you to the ‘Notetaking Services – Requests’ page for the current term, with a list of your registered courses that you have requested notetaking services in. Once the term has been opened you will be able to click on blue bolded ‘Confirm’ found underneath the confirm section of the list.

    Screenshot of notetaking services - requests page. Red bold circle around Term: 2024 - Summer. Red arrow pointing upward to blue bold confirm button

    4. Once clicked this will automatically process and you will be taken back to the Notetaking Services main page, with a green checkmark at the top stating “Success! Your action has been completed”. If you did not receive this message, then your confirmation of notetaking services did not get submitted and will need to try again.

    Screenshot of notetaking services page with bold red circle around notice checkmark and statement; Success! Your action has been completed

    5. Once we have received your confirmation, we will continue the process of getting a Notetaker matched to the course. Take note, this process can be time consuming and we may do outreaching to your instructor and yourself for assistance in finding Notetaker for the course. we recommend you utilize your recording lecture accommodation. This way, you can still capture any live information you may need to reference. If you are in need of a recording device, you are welcome to check one out at no cost from our offices for the term at any time by contacting our office.

    How to Access your Notes

    1. Once we have found a Notetaker to be matched to your course, we will send out a notification email stating we have found a notetaker and for what course.

    2. Once your Notetaker has uploaded a set of notes for your course, you will receive a separate notification email about what course has new notes posted online and that they are ready for you to download.
              a. Login to your Disability Services student account or follow link in notification email.

    3. Using the Using the ‘Accommodations’ menu box found on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on ‘Notetaking Services’

    Screenshot of My Dashboard and Accommodations menu box. Accommodations circled in bold red. Red arrow is pointing at List Request tab.

    4. This will bring you to the ‘Notetaking Services’ full page for the current term.
              a. Using the first box titled ‘Available Note’ and click on ‘View Note’

    Screenshot of notetaking services page with red bold circle around title Available Note on the first box. Red arrowing pointing to view note button.

    5. This will bring you to the ‘Notetaking Services – List All Notes’ page for the current term. Scroll down to the list of notes you are able to download.
              a. Click on ‘Download’ found under the download section. This will download immediately to your device after clicking.

    Screenshot of notetaking services - list all notes page. Red bold circle around term: 2024 - Summer. Red arrow pointing upward to blue Download button.
  • How to Use Microsoft Word Read Aloud
    1. Click Review

    2. Click Read Aloud

    Screenshot of Microsoft Word tool bar with bold red circle around Review tab and Read Aloud icon

    3. The document will begin reading from the beginning. The control panel will show in the top right corner (as pictured below). Here you can play, pause, and change the reading speed.

    Screenshot of control panel. First box is labeled Play with control panel on play. Second box is labeled Pause, with control panel on pause. Third box is labeled Reading Voice and Speed, with Red arrow pointing at control panel speaker with setting gear symbol.        

    4. Using the mouse, you can also highlight the text you want read aloud and then push the play button.

    5. You can tell what is being read because it will be highlighted.

    Screenshot of PDF passage with the word travel highlighted in grey with a red arrow pointing at it.