Community Matters

As a member of the COCC community, you are entitled to a safe and respectful environment. If you have experienced harassment, discrimination, intimidation, physical danger, or disrespect on any COCC campus, please let us help you.

We take these matters very seriously and address them confidentially and in a timely manner. Completing the form below gives us the basic information from the incident to allow us to address it appropriately. We realize that these occurrences can be upsetting and difficult, and we want you to know: we are here for you.

Incident Report Form

If you would like more information before filling out the Incident Report Form or would like to know who else you can talk to, check out the resources below:


  • Academic Integrity Matters

    As a student, you are expected to submit your own work and properly cite the work of others. Academic integrity issues can include plagiarism, cheating, forgery and other dishonest acts.

    Andrew Davis
    Student Life Director

    Department Chairs 

  • Behavioral Conduct

    The COCC Community depends on mutual respect for the rights, property and dignity of all persons on campus. If this respect has been violated by the actions of another person on campus, it can be considered a behavioral conduct issue.

    Andrew Davis
    Student Life Director

  • Campus Safety and Security
    The safety and security of our campus is of utmost importance. If your safety or security is breached or threatened on our campus, please let us know.

    Campus Safety
  • Discrimination

    Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that encourages faculty, staff and students to realize their full potential. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, citizenship status, veteran status or any other classes protected under Federal and State statues in any education program, activities or employment.

    Andrew Davis
    Student Life Director

    Alicia Moore
    Vice President Student Affairs


  • Environmental Health and Safety

    The physical environment plays a large part in your experience at COCC. If there is a physical barrier that is preventing you from succeeding or poses a threat to your safety or health, please let us know.

    Sharla Andresen
    Director of Contracts and Risk Management

    Campus Safety

  • Sexual Harassment or Assault

    We have a zero tolerance approach for sexual misconduct. This includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature and may come in the form of a hostile environment, quid pro quo, retaliation, or violence.

    Andrew Davis
    Student Life Director
    Alicia Moore
    Vice President Student Affairs


    For more information regarding resources available to you, please visit Saving Grace.