Student Policies
COCC Student Rights and Responsibilities
The Student Life Office at Central Oregon Community College is charged with the task
of reviewing,distributing and enforcing the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
The Dean of Student Engagement serves both as an advocate for students who believe that they have been treated unjustly by the college or one
of its officials and as the college adjudicator with students who have allegedly violated the code of student conduct, a college policy
or state/federal law.
In order to provide for the maximum comfort, convenience, and well-being of the total
College community, certain standards of behavior have been established at Central
Oregon Community College. Upon admission to the College, all students accept an unqualified
commitment to adhere to such standards and to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate
to an educational environment, one which reflects pride in themselves and the College.
Such actions as academic dishonesty, abuse of property, any violation of federal or
state law, possession of alcoholic beverages, and possession of illegal drugs are
in violation of the College's standards and are cause for disciplinary action. The
disciplinary action taken by the College has a range of possibilities up to and including
dismissal from college.