Student Parking
All students who park in permit-required areas of campus must register their vehicles
and permanently display (affixed in place using provided adhesive) a COCC parking
permit on the rear, left side of their vehicles. There is no charge for this service.
Certain parking areas on COCC campuses are reserved for campus guests, staff and vehicles
displaying valid disabled parking decals.
Where to get your parking permit
Student parking permits are available at the following locations:
- In Bend, at the Information Office located in the Boyle Education Center.
- In Redmond, at the Student Services Office in RTEC.
- In Madras, at the Student Services Office.
- In Prineville, at the Student Services Office.
For more information contact the Campus Public Safety Office at 541-383-7272.
- Bend Campus Parking Map (pdf)
- Bend Campus Snow Removal Map (pdf)
Parking Rules & Regulations
Students must comply with all parking rules and regulations. For details see: Parking On Campus.