Library Policies
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College Policies
See the General Policy Manual for all COCC policies. The below policies are especially applicable to the Barber Library.
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (G-22-0)
This policy applies to all users of COCC's computers and networks.

Children on Campus (G-4-0)
Children under 15 must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
Cell Phone & Noise Policy
Information about where (and where not) to use your cell phone in Barber Library.
CLERC Policies
Policies pertaining to the Children's Literature & Equity Resource Center, including the advisory committee, collection development, event, and reservation policies.
Group Study Rooms
Policies for the use of the 14 group study rooms in Barber Library.
Service Animals in the Library
Information about the use of service animals in the building.
Checking Out Library Items
Learn about borrowing books, AV materials, technology, and other items.
Information about fines for overdue, lost, or damaged items.
Technology Lending
Policies, lending periods, and lost/damaged item fees for circulating technology equipment.
Collection Development Policy
Library policy for developing physical and electronic collections.
Library Gifts Policy
Library policy for accepting donations of books or other materials for the collections.Public Performance Rights for Screening Media
Information about public screenings of films and videos.
Streaming/Online Video Acquisition Policy
Library policy for the acquisition of streaming videos.
Subscription Databases and Electronic Resources
Library policy for the purchase of subscription databases and other online resources.