Library Tutorials
Help Citing Sources
Visit this guide for tips and resources for writing citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.

How to Become a Community Patron
(1:50) iLearn how to sign up for a community patron account at Barber Library.

Picking Your Topic IS Research!
(3:10) iPicking and adjusting your topic is an integral part of the research process! (From NCSU Libraries)

How to Choose Keywords
(2:42) iThis video explains how to choose keywords for database searching. (From McMaster Libraries)

Evaluating Internet Sources
(6:39) iLearn what to look for in a website to know that it has quality information. (From CSM Library)
Library Services

How to Request Library Items for Delivery
(1:42) iLearn how to request library items for delivery to Redmond, Prineville, or Madras.

How to Request Items through Summit
(1:39) iLearn how to request items from other Pacific Northwest institutions through Summit.