DUO Security

Student Tech Support: Call 541-383-7716, email techhelp@cocc.edu, or stop by Pioneer Hall Computer Lab.

Protect Your Student Account.
Always deny unauthorized requests.

Duo Security is now required to access your student accounts

Strong passwords are no longer enough to protect yourself from hackers or phishing attacks. COCC has partnered with the multi-factor authentication system Duo Security to add an extra layer of protection to all your COCC student accounts. 

Duo Security is now required for all COCC students with an @cocc.edu email address. 

Don't delay — enroll in Duo Security today and protect your student accounts, including Canvas, student email, and Bobcat Web.


Quick Start Guide


  • Choose which device(s) to enroll with Duo Security and have it with you.

    You can choose a smartphone, tablet, or security key.

  • Enroll in Duo Security and follow all instructions. 
  • Download the Duo Mobile App from your App store.Duo on Apple App StoreDUO Security on Google Play

    Using a security key? You can skip this step.

  • It's that easy – you’re now enrolled! Duo Security is activated on all of your COCC accounts.

    You'll start seeing prompts to confirm your identity with your device when accessing COCC protected accounts. Please remember, you must have your device with you to access your COCC accounts.


Want a detailed step-by-step of how to enroll in Duo Security?

Click on the instructions for your specific device:

After you've enrolled in Duo Security

If you receive an unauthorized notification from Duo Security when you are not trying to access your COCC account: deny the request, report it, and immediately change your COCC password.