Classroom Management


If you have ever experienced a challenging disciplinary situation in your classroom, you are not alone. The majority of students act in an appropriate and respectful manner; however, there are occasions when students will test the limits of acceptable classroom behavior.

Student conduct that substantially or repeatedly interferes with the ability of an instructor to teach or the ability of other students to learn is a violation of the COCC Student Code of Rights & Responsibilities. These expectations extend beyond the classroom to field trips, internship placement, and other off-campus College activities.

Practical Suggestions

Confronting a disruptive student can be an uncomfortable experience. If a student's behavior obstructs or disrupts your ability to teach or the ability of others to learn, you may find the following suggestions helpful.

  1. Clearly articulate rules regarding attendance, tardiness, active class participation, cheating, use of electronic devices, and appropriate conduct on the course syllabus. Specify consequences (e.g., reports to Student Life) and follow through in a fair and consistent manner. Reference acceptable computer use and email policies where appropriate.

  2. Model professional behavior. Respond to inappropriate remarks in a professional, mature manner. Put-downs or witty comebacks tend to escalate the situation.

  3. If possible, move closer to the disruptive students, pause until everyone quiets down, and make direct eye contact. Disruptive students are not always aware that they are bothering others.

  4. When the problem is isolated to one student, speak privately with the student. Use "I" messages such as, When I see you _____; I feel _____; and I need the activity to stop.

  5. Seek consultation from experienced colleagues, the Student Life Office and/or your department chair.

  6. If the problem continues, issue a written warning to the student addressing concerns and consequences for non-compliance (e.g., risk of a lower grade if classroom participation is a percentage of the course grade and/or referral to the Student Life Office).

  7. If a student prevents you from moving on to another topic, take control of the discussion, express the need to cover all of the material, and invite the student to continue the conversation during your office hours.

  8. If verbal admonishment is not effective, give the student the option of modifying the undesirable behavior or leaving the class for the remainder of the class. Instructors may tell a student to leave class temporarily, but adjudication by the Student Life Office is necessary for permanent removal.

  9. If you are seeing a pattern of disruptive behavior, consult with the Student Life Office or your department chair. All students, including those with psychological disabilities, are required to comply with regulations set forth in the COCC Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities. Inform the Student Life Office if the behavior continues.

  10. Document all incidents and your attempts to resolve the situation. Be factual and objective. Use quotations whenever possible. Contact the Student Life Office if you want to consult about possibly referring incidents for disciplinary action.

  11. If a student is making threats of violence to themselves and/or to others, immediately contact Campus Public Safety at 541-383-7272. Complete an incident report as soon as possible.

For more information about the student conduct process at COCC, contact the Student Life Office at 541-383-7590 or visit the Student Life website.

Adapted/reproduced with permission from "Why can't I bring my iguana to class?" distributed by Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Submitting an Incident Report

Incident Report: This links to the web form where you can report incidents including student conduct, academic integrity, safety, sexual harassment, discrimination, and more. (However, please call Campus Public Safety at 541-383-7272 for incidents requiring immediate attention.)