Teaching Resources

Resources from Your Colleagues

Teaching Academy Presentation archive: access recordings of Teaching Academy sessions presented from 2013 to 2023

Anti-Racist Pedagogy archive: see the products your colleagues have created through COCC's Anti-Racist Pedagogy workshop series

Books and Journals


COCC's Barber Library gives you access to many eBooks related to college teaching. You can start with this search and then refine by subject and other filters in the left-hand menu. 

In the CAFE's physical space in LIB 023 (Library lower level), you can find the CAFE's collection of print books about teaching as well as its Faculty Book Exchange.

You can access all of Barber Library's education-related e-journals through Browzine Library and drill down to topics of interest.

For general news about higher education, visit:

In addition, Kennesaw State University provides a Teaching Journals Directory that is searchable by topic and discipline.

Additional Resources

(These are all links to outside sources.)

Online Teaching and Technology

  • Online Teaching Toolkit: The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) has created this toolkit, packed with videos and downloadable resources, to assist both new and seasoned online educators.
  • Ten Principles of Online Teaching (pdf): The creators of the journal The Teaching Professor publish this guide as part of their free-to-access Faculty Focus site.
  • How to be a Better Online Teacher: This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE) includes essential principles and practices of quality online teaching, common misperceptions, and how to find help.
  • How to Make Smart Choices About Tech for Your Course: Another CHE article, which guides you through the multiple considerations needed when choosing to add technology to your course. 

Course Design

  • Understanding by Design: This guide from Vanderbilt University is a great introduction to the concept of Backward Design.
  • Backward Design : This guide from Western Washington University includes many links to additional course design resources.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Classroom

Teaching and Student Engagement Strategies