Preparing for Classes
Whether you are a new or returning student, it is important to prepare for class before
the start of each term. Preparing for class starts with the basics of parking permits,
Student ID Cards and books and includes becoming familiar with the services that will
help you succeed during the first week of classes and beyond. Here are the steps you
should take, and the resources you should be familiar with:
All students should:
- Get or update your Student ID Card
- Get your Parking Permit
- Check your COCC email account
- Purchase books and required Supplies
- Become familiar with important dates and deadlines
- Allow plenty of time to take the bus or find parking
- Understand the attendance requirement and get to class on time.
Other important resources:
- Learn about Financial Aid disbursement, refunds, and bookstore credits
- Computer Labs
- Registration and Student Record Policies
- Services for students with disabilities
- Academic Advising
- Tutoring and Testing (it's free)