Human Development Course Outcomes

HD100 CS: College Success:

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The goal of College Success is to gain the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in college to determine, establish and achieve academic goals. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to exhibit and describe methods to:

  • Develop an individual philosophy on personal responsibility to make wise choices leading to success in college.
  • Integrate knowledge of learning styles with study skills (such as listening, note-taking and memory techniques) leading to the development of an action plan to improve and enhance academic success.
  • Assess individual time management skills and preference styles and adjust accordingly to achieve academic goals leading to successful college performance.
  • Identify strategies that demonstrate techniques to manage and reduce stress.
  • Introduce and explore available college tools to practice and incorporate into regular academic habits.
  • Identify essential college resources, from academic and student services to in-class resources, and select those that are the most applicable and personally relevant.
  • Develop knowledge of college programs and resources to create a preliminary academic plan.

HD 101: Study Strategies:

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course students will be able to exhibit and describe methods to:

  1. Read a textbook with improved retention and focus.
  2. Take accurate and complete text and lecture notes which can be used as study tools.
  3. Reduce test anxiety, prepare for and take tests.
  4. Manage time with application of self-management tools.
  5. Establish personal and professional goals.
  6. Accept personal responsibility, become a creator, prepare to embrace change and succeed.
  7. Retain and recall information and understand preferred learning style.
  8. Organize study materials to improve understanding and retention
  9. Understand and accept campus protocol and ethical student behavior.
  10. Develop positive self-talk, use visualization and self-esteem/self-care skills.

HD 100TT: Test Taking:

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to exhibit and describe methods to:

  1. understand test-taking terminology
  2. recognize the difference between preparing and studying for tests and exams
  3. implement appropriate strategies for different exam types
  4. learn techniques for reducing test anxiety
  5. utilize faculty and tutoring resources before and after tests and exams

HD 100 PM: Procrastination/Motivation:

Course Outcomes: Upon completion students will be able to:

  • Understand the power of perceptions on attitude, behavior and motivation
  • Examine, choose and prioritize key values from a list of societal and personal values
  • Examine self-talk and analyze the impact on motivation and supporting identified values
  • Assess and use introduced tools to examine and change messages
  • Use personal awareness to prioritize actions and diminish procrastination
  • Develop an internal dialogue to support the accomplishment of personal and professional goals
  • Plan and integrate a plan of action to increase motivation and reduce procrastination

HD 100 VC: Values Clarification:

Outcomes: Participants who successfully complete the program will be able to:

  1. Identify and prioritize personal values
  2. Recognize and apply defined values to daily decision making
  3. Integrate defined values into choice and action
  4. Evaluate daily activities within the framework of defined personal values
  5. Design a vision that upholds those identified values
  6. Revise and re-evaluate core values within the context of presented opportunities

HD 110: Career Planning:

OUTCOMES: The goal of Career Planning is to be personally aware of the skills and knowledge needed to make effective life and career decisions. Upon completion of the class, responsible and invested students will:

  • Students will be able to articulate their own current interests, skills, values, and personality preferences
  • Students demonstrate understanding of career planning as a lifelong process and can identify their current career development stage using Donald Super's career development stage theory
  • Merge personal knowledge of self (skills, interests, values, personality preferences) with resources to plan career and academic direction
  • Students are able to conduct career research using online resources to learn necessary skills, education, work environment, employment outlook, and wages about careers of interest
  • Students can demonstrate an ability to apply a decision-making framework to making career decisions