Economics Course Sampler

Interdisciplinary topics build critical thinking skills  

Economics at COCC is an interwoven study — bringing together elements of history, psychology, math, business, social science, and political science — to examine the allocation and use of resources, with human behavior always at the center. Students learn how choices, from international governments to individual actions, determine the factors and forces that encompass this social science. 
Explore a sampling of Economics classes at COCC:

In Microeconomics, content examines the role of individuals in a given market, how the behaviors of consumers and producers affect the supply and demand of resources. The course considers market forces, such as technology and market power. Examples from both the individual level and corporate finance connect this course to real-world applications. 

Macroeconomics, on the other hand, examines decision-making in a collective way, such as how a government plays a part in the economy. Taxes, spending, laws, policies, and their correlation with things like employment, health care, and inequality are key topics for discussion. 

An introduction to the many dimensions of globalization, Contemporary World Economic Issues: International Economics provides an understanding of economic, political, social, and cultural influences. Includes trade and the balance of payments; trade competition between the U.S. and other nations; reform and restructure of global economies; and problems facing developing nations. 

Students Performing Econ Coursework