N-1-1 Filing a Report

Any person who believes they have been discriminated against, harassed, or retaliated against by a College employee, representative, student, or community member based on being a member of a protected class is encouraged to address those concerns by reporting it via the College’s incident report system or talking with the any of the individuals listed below. These individuals have primary responsibility for coordinating COCC’s efforts related to investigation, resolution, and implementation of corrective actions.
These individuals can also provide support or guidance on any aspect of this policy and associated processes.

 Area of Concern Contact
Discrimination or harassment on the basis of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or sex discrimination; includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Alicia Moore
Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA)/Title IX Coordinator
2600 NW College Way
Coats Campus Center, Room 213
Bend, OR 97703
amoore@cocc.edu or 541.383.7244
Discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, disability, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, color, race, religion, genetic information, citizenship status, veteran status or any other classes

Laura Boehme (if employee or College representative involved)
Chief Human Resources Officer
2600 NW College Way
Newberry Hall, Room 109
Bend, OR 97703
lboehme@cocc.edu or 541.383.7219

Andrew Davis (if only students involved)
Director of Student and Campus Life
2600 NW College Way
Coats Campus Center, Room 211
Bend, OR 97703
apdavis@cocc.edu or 541.383.7591


In addition to the above, individuals are welcome to contact Campus Safety to file a report: 2600 NW College Way, Boyle Education Center, Room 161, Bend, OR 97703, publicsafety@cocc.edu, or 541.383.7272.