Sports Overview
Club Sports Teams provide opportunities for intercollegiate competition against other Colleges and Universities on and off campus. Focused on skill-development and teamwork, Club Sport teams have paid coaches and are the most competitive sport option at COCC. Club Sports are open to currently enrolled COCC and dual-enrolled OSU-Cascades students (credit minimum differs per sport).
Intramural Sports provide students, faculty, staff, and community members of all skill levels the opportunity to play for fun, compete, and build community on campus. Students are encouraged to bring new ideas for offerings to the Sports Department staff.
Open Play activities are ways students can access COCC athletic facilities year round (must pay for and obtain Mazama sticker at Boyle Education Center) both on-campus in the Mazama Building and off-campus through partnerships with local facilities. Students, faculty and staff play pick-up sports, borrow sports equipment, and use facilities to practice on their own.
Races have been a tradition at COCC for over 25 years. Our local running races are open to students, staff, and the community, can be competitive or recreational, and usually come with a free meal and race swag/prizes.
For additional information, contact:
Jacob Swinn, Assistant Director, Club and Intramural Sports or 541-383-7794
Randal Seaton, Coordinator, Club and Intramural Sports or 541-383-7763