¡AVANZA! Moving Forward!

The goal of ¡AVANZA! is to encourage Latino/a youth to graduate from high school and pursue higher education, and ultimately, to obtain a rewarding career and contribute to their communities. The program offers a dynamic curriculum that integrates leadership, college preparation, and culturally relevant themes for the Latino/a students.
Leadership: |
Team Building: |
Personal Responsibility: By completing written assignments, group work and research presentations, students learn to be responsible for themselves as well as become aware of their role as individuals in a group environment. |
Communication: By learning the fundamentals of communication, students become active listeners and participants. |
Public Speaking Skills: Through experiential learning, they gain confidence and experience in public speaking. |
Conflict Resolution: Students are exposed to appropriate methods of handling conflict. |
Cultural Pride: Students are encouraged to celebrate and explore their heritage. |
High school participation and requirements:
High school students who are selected to participate in ¡AVANZA! enroll in a college level course that focuses on leadership, cultural and academic development. Students who meet all course requirements receive one college credit and high school credit(s).

- Attend class once a week
- Participate in class discussions
- Complete assignments
- Engage in group activities
- Deliver presentations
Students who complete ¡AVANZA! have the opportunity to participate in ¡AVANZA!2 and Ganas (¡AVANZA!3)
For more information, please contact:
Claudia Bisso-Fetzer, Ph.D.
Latino College Preparation Coordinator
Phone: 541-318-3717
Email: cbissofetzer@cocc.edu
Christy Walker
Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Phone: 541- 383-7412
Email: cwalker2@cocc.edu
Multicultural Programs:
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Latino Students Program
- ¡AVANZA! Moving Forward! en Español
- Ganas Edúcate Summer Symposium
¡Avanza! Photo Gallery