Latinx Student Program

COCC en Español Information about COCC translated to Spanish
Cultural EnrichmentSpeakers, Activities, and Multicultural Events
Photo GalleryView photos from Latinx student events
Mission Statement
COCC's Latinx Program assists in the recruitment, retention and academic success of immigrant and native Latino students. It assists students with planning and implementing relevant programs and activities on campus and in the community. This is a great place to go to get connected on campus or if you would like to find out what other Latinx students are doing on campus.
Information & Links
Latinx Program Scholarship Fund
Latinx College Prep
Location & Directions
Latinx Club
Contact Information
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Latinx Student Program
Coats Campus Center, Room 106a
Central Oregon Community College
2600 NW College Way Bend, OR 97703
Program Coordinator,
Claudia Bisso-Fetzer, PhD | 541-318-3117