Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact Campus Safety?
Campus Safety is available Monday through Friday 8-5 p.m. Please call (541) 383-7272 for assistance. All emergencies 9-1-1.

Does the Campus Safety Department have a "police log" or other publication that could help make community members aware of issues of concern?
The Campus Safety Department maintains a Daily Crime Log for the past 60 days. A printed copy of this document is available in the Campus Safety Office and is open to public inspection, free of charge, upon request, during normal business hours. Anyone may access the log, whether or not they are associated with our institution. This includes the media. Any portion of the log that is older than 60 days is available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

Can I appeal a citation?

The Citation Appeals Committee has the responsibility of hearing and judging all COCC citation appeals. If you believe you received a citation in error, or there were extenuating circumstances which should be considered, you have the right to appeal your citation. Appeal forms are available at the Campus Safety Office in the Boyle Education Center, the Information Booth in the Boyle Education Center, the ASCOCC Student Government Office in the Coats Campus Center, and at the Cashier Station in the Boyle Education Center. The appeal form may also be downloaded and printed below.

Citation Appeal Form

Appeal Procedure

  1. Get a Citation Appeal Form from one of the previously listed locations, or download and print the form here.
  2. Complete the form. Incomplete forms will not be considered.
  3. Attach a legible copy of the citation to the appeal form.
  4. Keep a photocopy of the citation and appeal form for your records.
  5. Bring the completed appeal form to the Campus Safety Office, located in the Boyle Education Center, during normal business hours.

Additional Information

  • The Citation Appeals Committee will review all appeals received. If you wish to be present for the hearing, indicate so on your appeal form.
  • The Citation Appeals Committee will notify you by mail of their decision within 2 weeks (14 days) of review.
  • You are encouraged to pay your fine within seven days of issuance, in order to take advantage of the reduction in charges ($5 off total citation). If your appeal is approved, your payment will be refunded.
  • Unpaid citations will prevent student registration, and are referred to the State of Oregon Department of Revenue for collection. Initial citation amounts may increase upon adoption by a collections agency or the State of Oregon.
  • All fines must be paid at the Admissions and Records Office, located in the Boyle Education Center, during regular business hours, or by mail.
  • The Citation Appeals Committee's decision is final.

When is my citation payment due?
Citation payments are due within seven days of receiving the citation. If paid within seven days, you may qualify for a reduced fine amount. Citations are paid through the Admission and Records Department located in the Boyle Education Center. Unpaid citations are referred to collections. Students with unpaid citations may have holds placed on their accounts preventing registration, graduation, and/or access to transcripts.

Who do I contact if I have lost or found something on campus?
If you have lost or located property, please contact the Lost and Found at 541-383-7229. The Lost and Found is located in the Admissions and Records Office in the Boyle Education Center.

What are the red "emergency" towers around campus for?  What happens when the button is pressed?
The red towers on campus will connect you directly to Campus Safety or local emergency services when you push the button.

Does COCC have security cameras on campus?  Where are they?
Yes. There are a number of security cameras on the COCC campus. They monitor high traffic areas, high value assets, large group areas, critical infrastructure, construction sites, and weather. Security cameras record activity and can be accessed and monitored in real-time by authorized Campus Safety authorities. 

Are pets allowed on campus?
No. Pets are not allowed on any of COCC's campuses, including in vehicles. Students who have an animal that provides a service related to a disability, or have an animal they are requesting to be on campus for other accommodation purposes, will need to contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) to receive approval.  Please contact the SSD office by calling (541) 383-7583, or by stopping by their office in the Boyle Education Center.  Animals authorized through the Veterinary Tech program are exempt.

Is smoking allowed on campus?
Yes. However, smoking is only permitted at a distance of 25 feet from all buildings AND while standing in a parking lot. Smoking is not permitted during times of extreme  fire danger. You must be at least 21 years of age to possess tobacco or inhalant delivery systems on COCC property.

Can I skate, snowboard, ski, or sled on campus?
No. Skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and skating are not allowed, except during officially sanctioned college events.

I have a valid Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL). Can I carry my handgun on campus? 
No person – including students, employees, vendors, college patrons, or other visitors – may bring, possess, conceal, brandish, use, or be in possession of a firearm, destructive device or other dangerous weapons (cit. ORS 161.015(1)(2), or give the appearance of being in possession, on college-owned or controlled property or at activities under the jurisdiction or sponsorship of the college, except as provided by ORS 166.360, 166.370, and federal law.

The college strongly discourages the possession of firearms on campus and enforces this to the fullest extent of the law.  However, we recognize provisions under the Oregon Revised Statutes that create limited exemptions to these prohibitions. Persons who are allowed to carry firearms under the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes must understand the responsibility and liability associated with the carry, possession, and/or use of a firearm on campus.

If you are permitted under Oregon Revised Statutes to carry a concealed handgun, please pay close attention to the following information:

The responsibility to properly and lawfully carry and conceal your firearm rests squarely with you. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action from the college.

Improper use, carry, storage, concealment, or behavior related to firearms may be grounds for Campus Safety to notify the relevant county Sheriff, or local law enforcement, of such actions. 

The fact that you carry or otherwise possess a firearm on campus may be alarming to some people. Please exercise sound judgment in regard to what you communicate about this topic. Again, disruptive behavior, including communications that cause alarm, may prompt disciplinary action from the college or authorities. 

If a violent situation occurs on campus, best practices established by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and other workplace violence prevention experts include immediately moving away from the threat, moving to a secure location, and, if necessary as a last resort for personal safety – taking physical action against the attacker. If you use a legally carried and possessed firearm to defend yourself, the liability for the use of that weapon rests with you, not the college. College students and employees do not have a duty to engage a violent, aggressive, or suspicious person.

During critical incidents, please seriously consider the impact of any individual actions you take in the larger context of emergency response plans that will be in effect. Campus Safety, local law enforcement, and other first responders may be rapidly approaching the scene. 

Please access college resources for help in disputes, altercations, etc. The Campus Safety Department, Student Life, CAP Services counselors, and Human Resources are trained, equipped, and available to help facilitate early identification and resolution of conflict. 

Please respect the board-approved authority of Public Safety Officers and law enforcement to provide for safety and security on College property.  This may include immediately complying with officer directives during critical incidents and emergencies, as well as displaying your concealed weapons permit if asked by an officer.  Failure to do so may result in College disciplinary action and/or criminal liability.

The State of Oregon, and Central Oregon Community College, does not honor/recognize concealed weapons permits (nor concealed handgun licenses) issued by ANY other states.

If a firearm of any kind becomes visible on college property for any period of time, regardless of having a valid Oregon Concealed Handgun License, it is considered a violation of college policy and WILL result in suspension, expulsion, eviction, and/or trespass.

No firearms are permitted in or around any campus residence hall at any time. A valid Oregon Concealed Handgun License IS NOT an exemption to this policy.

A Oregon Concealed Handgun License only permits the concealed carrying of a pistol. Possession of illegally concealed or openly carried knives, rifles, shotguns, or other dangerous weapons will result in college disciplinary action and/or arrest.

You MUST carry your CHL on your person whenever you carry a concealed handgun. Failure to do so could result in a charge of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, a Class A Misdemeanor.

How do I find information on campus emergencies and closures?

During emergency situations, do not call Campus Safety unless you have key information related to an emergency or you have a new emergency. 

The best way to stay informed about incidents on campus is to sign up for the college Emergency Notification System. Please see the Emergency Notification System page for more information. Additionally, during a critical incident, the college will post emergency status updates on this page. School closures will always be posted on the COCC website home page and reported to local media outlets. 

How do I sign up for the College Emergency Notification System?
Please visit the Bobcat Web and log in, or create an account. From there you will be able to select emergency notification system (ENS) preferences. 

How can I get a copy of a Campus Safety report or Campus Safety records?

The department will generally release copies of theft reports to victims for insurance purposes as well as copies of traffic accident reports to involved persons. To obtain a copy of a report, contact Campus Safety. For all other types of records requests, please click the link below.

Records Requests

Is the Campus Safety Department hiring and where can I apply?
Please visit the COCC employment website to view available positions. Feel free to contact us for more information.