Student Stories

Celebrating all abilities and experience levels

Adult Basic Skills students come from diverse backgrounds and educational experiences. Some are looking to advance in their workplace, to secure a better job with added responsibility and higher wages. Others left high school before finishing and are circling back to their education, with the goal of readying for the GED exam.

The Adult Basic Skills program can meet students at their individual ability and experience level — including those looking at college as part of the journey.

"This is a place where you can find connection!"

Adult Basic Skills instructor


When Robert first came to the U.S. in 2019, he didn't speak any English — which made his job in the construction field a hardship as no one else spoke Spanish.

"When I first came here, I did not go to the store by myself, and I could not talk to other people and that was very hard for me. I needed to learn English because I was going to live here with my wife and children and I need to work and take care of them," he shares.

Robert admits to the challenge of his early English language classes. But he began trying out his new skills with family and co-workers, encouraged by his instructor to stick with it. Soon he was taking intermediate and then advanced classes. And then he added classes in communication and math. "With these classes, I am ready to take the credit classes at COCC. I can also write and can read English."

The instructors arranged get-togethers and hikes, which helped continue the feeling of community he found in class. "That is important because when you do not speak English and are new to the United States it hard to meet people and make the friends. My friends are from my English classes. I know many people from different places because my instructor always helps us feel welcome and part of a community."

Ko Ko

"I have been studying English with Amy Stinard. Currently, I am taking two classes that are GED prep with Jennifer Judd and ELL with Amy Stinard. Those two classes help me to enhance my new skills. Both are encouraging to meet their students' goal. I was lucky enough to have Amy and Jenn as my instructors. I couldn't find words to express how grateful I am. The overall learning experience is BOB — best of the best!"