AAS in Fire Science

Fighting fires, saving lives, making things better for everyone. A career in any of the Emergency Services field trains you to help others, and COCC has the classes to get you there. In addition to your classes, a bonus opportunity awaits, as structural fire science students are affiliated with local fire agencies in order to receive necessary certifications in NFPA Firefighter I, DPSST Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations and Incident Command Systems. Better yet, many local fire agencies offer scholarships to students affiliated with their agency. Hands-on training, excellent support courses, on-the-job training and a scholarship... what could be better?

Our program is accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress and the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) 

For detail and course requirements see:
Fire Science - Associate of Applied Science (Online Catalog)

For those students interested in expanding their employment opportunities and career path, a dual degree in Structural Fire Science (SFS) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is also available. To accommodate this need, COCC allows students to combine some general education courses to meet both degree requirements. Upon completion of these courses, students then pursue technical EMS and SFS classes.

For general information, contact Enrollment Services at (541) 383-7500. Specific questions regarding the Structural Fire Science program should be directed to Paula Simone the department chair.
Email: psimone@cocc.edu
Phone: 541-383-7404