COCC Annual Writing Contest

Writing Contest

Announcing COCC’s Third Annual Student Writing Contest! The Humanities Department wants to celebrate and promote excellent student writing at COCC. Winners will have their work published on the Humanities Department website, receive a gift card prize to a local bookstore, and be invited to participate in a public reading during Spring Term 2024 (location and details to be determined).

Submission guidelines: We are looking for original, unpublished writing from current COCC students. This year, there will be a winner and a runner-up determined in three separate categories: poetry, fiction, or nonfiction (personal or academic essay). One entry per category permitted (one complete poem, story, or essay). Maximum of 2000 words for each submission. Excerpts of a longer work (such as a novel or memoir) are permitted, but should be self-contained.

Submission deadline and details: May 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 PM to In your email, please include your name, major or area of study at COCC, which category you are submitting your work to (poetry, fiction, or nonfiction/academic), and any necessary context about your work (300 words maximum, please). Attach your submission to the email as a Word document or PDF file. All submissions must have a title at the top of the first page, and please do not include your name anywhere on the document.

Questions? Email Eileen Sather at

2023-2024 Student Winners (click on name below to see contest submission)

First Prize in Nonfiction:  Brandon Rivera Castro  /  Second Prize in Nonfiction:  Sara Jones

First Prize in Poetry:  Dylan Laughery  /  Second Prize in Poetry:  Nicholas Zamboni

First Prize in Fiction:  Leah Young  /  Second Prize in Fiction:  Rawlee Halsey