G-33-3 Student Rights and Responsibilities

Updated: 5/30/2023

Student Rights

  1. Freedom of Student Participation in Institutional Government

    The student body shall have clearly defined means to participate in the formulation and application of institutional policy affecting academic and student affairs.

  2. Freedom of Access

    The facilities and services of the College shall be open to all of its enrolled students in accordance with policies and procedures stated in the Central Oregon Community College General Procedures Manual.

  3. Protection of Freedom of Inquiry and Expression

    Central Oregon Community College recognizes the rights of all students to engage in discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, and to speak, write, or publish freely on any subject, in accordance with the guarantees of Federal or State constitutions.

    Students are free to engage in peaceful and orderly protest, demonstration, and picketing which does not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the College (See Policy Statement on Freedom of Expression and Dissent).

  4. Freedom of Association

    Students shall be free to organize and join associations to promote their common interests.

  5. Freedom of Student Publications

    Student editors and managers shall be free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage. The advisor does not review copy unless requested to do so by a staff member. This separation helps protect the institution from legal actions relating to obscenity, criminal or civil libel or copyright infringement. In addition, the advisor offers ethics training as well as ongoing education to ensure the student newspaper is in compliance with the canons of journalism and journalistic ethics. Specific student publication rights shall follow those contained in the current student publication policies.

  6. Notification of Rights under FERPA

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") grants students certain rights with respect to their education records. This notice summarizes the College's Student Records Access policy. This notice, all College student records access policies and procedures, and their terms, are to be interpreted and applied in accordance with FERPA and its related regulations.

    In sum, the rights granted to students under FERPA are:

    1. A student has the right to inspect and review his/her education records within 45 days of the date the College receives a request for access. The student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the records he or she wishes to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

    2. A student has the right to request the amendment of any student education record that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. A student may ask the College to amend a record that he or she believes is inaccurate or misleading. The student should write to the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record he or she wants changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student along with the notice of a decision by the College not to amend an education record.

    3. A student has the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. For example, one exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to a school official whom the College has determined has a legitimate educational interest in the record or information. A school official is defined as: a person employed by the College in one or more of the following types of positions or capacities: administrative, professional, supervisory, academic or research, health care, or support staff; a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, or service provider); a person serving on the Board of Trustees or an authorized College committee, such as those charged with responsibility under College policy to review the academic, disciplinary, financial aid, or scholarship status of students; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record or receive information from an education record in order to perform his or her responsibilities in one or more of the positions or capacities noted above. As another example of an exception permitted by FERPA, the College upon request will disclose education records without consent to other agencies or institutions in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. FERPA also permits disclosure without consent in a number of other circumstances, including health and safety emergencies, the lawful issuance of a subpoena or court order, audits by federal education officials, certain disciplinary violations, certain lawsuits, and other situations as specified in the FERPA regulations.

    4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the federal office that administers FERPA are:

      • Family Policy Compliance Office
      • U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-4605

      Further information about FERPA is available at the U.S. Department of Education's website, https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/ferpa


      The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 grants to all College students the right to not have personal information contained in the records of the College released to any individual, agency, or organization. Central Oregon Community College has designated the following as directory information and therefore will not release this information to persons requesting it if a student requests it not be released.
      • Name
      • Address
      • Telephone number
      • Email address
      • Dates of attendance
      • Class
      • Previous institution(s) attended
      • Major field of study
      • Enrollment status
      • Awards
      • Honors (including Dean's List)
      • Degree(s) conferred (including dates)
      • Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities
      • Physical factors (height, weight of athletes)
      • Date and place of birth
  7. Student Records Policy

    To minimize the risk of improper disclosure, academic and disciplinary records shall be separate, and the conditions of access to each shall be set forth in an explicit policy statement (as defined by the Family Rights & Privacy Act of 1974). Transcripts of academic records shall contain only information about academic status. Each student shall have access to all records and transcripts pertaining to him/her, except those which are specifically labeled "Confidential" and understood to be so by the student at the time he/she enters the file-such as letters of recommendation and counseling information.
  8. Student Responsibilities

    1. Students are ultimately responsible for their academic success with the support of COCC.
    2. Students shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and not interfere with the exercise of those rights.
    3. Students shall be responsible to civil authority as are other citizens.
    4. When students are exercising the rights set forth in this document, they shall do so in an orderly and responsible manner; this includes but not limited to proper care of campus equipment, facilities and grounds.
    5. Students shall adhere to College policies and rules.

      It is the responsibility of the student to also recognize the rights of the college and adhere to the codes of conduct as outlined in the remainder of this document.

      It is recognized that Central Oregon Community College has the right to protect its educational purpose and its students from the irresponsible conduct of others. In order to insure this right, the following areas of responsibility require student compliance for the welfare of the College community.


        Central Oregon Community College respects the need for students to discover ways of learning including individualized and collaborative methods. Central Oregon Community College believes that the students should expect the education and degrees they receive will reflect the standards of this institution. To this end, Central Oregon Community College establishes the following academic regulations in order to maintain the academic integrity of the institution and to allow for the individual pursuit of knowledge. Academic dishonesty or an offense against academic honesty includes acts, which may subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process at Central Oregon Community College. Such acts are serious offenses, which insult the integrity of the entire academic community of the College.


          Offenses against academic honesty are any acts, which would have the effect of unfairly promoting or enhancing one's academic standing within the entire community of learners, which includes, but is not limited to, the faculty and students of Central Oregon Community College. Academic dishonesty also includes knowingly permitting or assisting any person in the commission of an offense against academic honesty. All academic work (e.g. homework, assignments, written and oral reports, creative projects, performances, in-class and take-home exams, extra-credit projects, research, etc.) are subject to the following standards of academic integrity:
          • Cheating: intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Students must adhere to the guidelines provided by their instructor for completing coursework and may not present the same (or substantially the same) work for more than one course without obtaining approval from the instructor of each course.
          • Fabrication: intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
          • Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another as one's own. All ideas, arguments and phrases submitted without attribution to other sources, must be the creative product of the student. Plagiarism includes copying portions of the writing of others with only minor changes in wording, with inadequate footnotes, quotes, or other reference forms of citation or only a list of references. Paraphrasing without appropriate citation is also plagiarism.
          • Collusion: intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate the academic honesty policy. Students may only collaborate within the limits prescribed by their instructors.

          The following is a list of some, but not all, offenses of academic dishonesty accommodated by the above definitions.

          1. Acquiring from other persons or from commercial organizations, or other sources, or utilizing other unauthorized assistance, and submitting as one's own work, homework assignments, term papers, research reports, laboratory reports, or comparable documents prepared in whole or in part by others than oneself.
          2. Communicating in any manner with other students during an examination, collaborating in the preparation of reports, laboratory reports, or take-home examinations, copying, or giving aid, or otherwise failing to abide by the College or instructor's rules governing the exercise or examination, without the instructor's specific permission.
          3. Bringing to an examination or using crib sheets, supplementary notes, or comparable aids during an examination session except as specifically permitted by the instructor.
          4. Soliciting, obtaining, possessing, or providing to another person an examination or portions of an examination prior to, or subsequent to, the administration of the examination, without the authorization of the instructor.
          5. Substituting for, arranging for substitution by another student, or otherwise representing oneself as another person during an examination session or comparable circumstance.
          6. Altering or changing an examination or comparable document so as to mislead other users or the reader.
          7. Altering, changing, or forging College academic records, including attendance records or sign-in sheets, regarding one or others, entering the signature of any academic officer on any official College form.
          8. Causing any false information to be presented at an academic proceeding or intentionally destroying evidence important to an academic proceeding.
          9. Infringing upon the rights of other students to fair and equal access to any College Library materials and comparable or related academic resources. This may include theft, mutilation, or unreasonably delayed responses when materials are requested by others.
          10. Attempting deliberately to prevent other users' access to the Central Oregon Community College computer system, deprive them of resources, and degrade system performance, or copying or destroying files or programs without consent.
          11. Falsification of data collected in the conduct of research or the presentation of falsified data in papers, manuscripts, books or other documents submitted for publication or as course or degree requirements.

            The above is not an exhaustive list and other instances of academic dishonesty may occur. Their identification will require the prudent judgment of faculty and students. The above definitions and examples apply to all Central Oregon Community College students regardless of the academic unit with which they are affiliated or within which they are enrolled.

        2. Disruption
          Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, and other College activities, including its public-service functions on or off campus, or other authorized non-college activities, when the act occurs on college premises is prohibited. Disruption shall include, but not be limited to the following:
          • Physical violence or abuse of any person or College-owned or controlled property, or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
          • Deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech, including not only disruption of a class, but also interference with the freedom of any speaker invited by any section of the College community to express his/her views. (Faculty is authorized to have students removed from class if warranted.)
          • Forcible interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the college.
          • Blocking of entryways to buildings, rooms, or sections of buildings, or of hallways, or stairways, in such fashion that people find it difficult or impossible to pass.
          • Blocking of vehicular traffic.
          • Noisemaking or other physical behavior which is so distracting that it becomes difficult or impossible to conduct a class, a meeting, or any other authorized event.
          • Congregating in such a fashion as to create a situation, which could endanger life or property.
          • Incitement to any of the above-mentioned actions, or to other violations of College policy, which could result in such actions, whether orally, through written materials, electronic materials or pictures.


        1. General Provisions

          Attempted Violations
          Attempts to violate this Code, including unsuccessful attempts, are prohibited and are subject to the same response under this Code as are actual violations

          A student present during the commission of an act by another student, which constitutes a violation of College policy may also be charged if his/her subsequent behavior constitutes a permission or condemnation of the violation. Students witnessing any act(s), which constitute a violation of College policy, are required to report such incidents to the proper authorities. Students who are believed to have assisted in violating any provision of this Code may be charged with a Code violation to the same extent as those persons committing a violation.

          Public Laws
          Any act by a student, which constitutes a charge of a violation of a public law, occurring either on or off campus, may establish cause for legal and/or disciplinary action by the College.

        2. Offenses Against Persons

          Abuse of Self or Others
          Inflicting mental or bodily harm upon any person (including one's self), engaging in any intentional or reckless action from which mental or bodily harm could result (including one's self) and/or causing a person to believe that the offender may cause mental or bodily harm is prohibited.

          Assault and/or Battery
          No student shall threaten bodily harm or discomfort to another such as would constitute an assault. Nor shall any student commit, or aid in the intentional commission of, an act, which causes bodily harm or discomfort to the person of another such as, would constitute a battery. Physical abuse includes, but is not limited to, personal injury, physical restraint against a person's will, and holding or transporting an individual against his or her will.

          Verbal or written communication, which unlawfully exposes any individual or group to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, and thereby injures the person, property, or reputation of another, is prohibited. Verbal or written communication, which threatens another of a crime or offense, or threatens injury to the person, property, or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace is prohibited.

          Verbal or written communication, which threatens another of a crime or offense, or threatens injury to the person, property, or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace with the intent to extort money or other advantage whatsoever, is prohibited.

          Threatening or causing non-physical abuse or abusive behavior towards another person, including, but not limited to, verbal or written statements, which constitute a form of expression unprotected by law, such as obscenity, fighting words, and defamation. Non-physical abuse means psychological abuse or abusive behavior through verbal or written statements, which intend to or could reasonably be foreseen to cause embarrassment, humiliation, shame, fright, grief, or intimidation. Examples of harassment include but are not limited to:

          1. Sexual Harassment

            It is the policy of COCC that no member of the college community may sexually harass another. Any employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

            1. submission to that conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education;
            2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual; or
            3. the conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment, education, or living environment.

              Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to, the following:

              • unwelcome sexual propositions
              • sexually graphic comments about a person's body
              • unwelcome touching, patting, pinching, or leering
              • persistent, offensive, and unwelcome sexual jokes and comments
              • unwelcome displays of sexually graphic pictures

                Sexual harassment is illegal under both state and federal law. It is also unlawful to retaliate against an employee or student for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of sexual harassment. In some cases, sexual harassment may be subject to prosecution under criminal law. At COCC, sanctions for sexual harassment by employees and students may include the full range of disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from the college. See the College General Procedure Manual HR-3-1

          2. Discriminatory Harassment includes verbal or physical abuse of individuals because of their membership in a group. Students and staff should not be subject to harassment because of their ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint or sexual orientation.

            Oregon Statute prohibits students from engaging in any kind of hazing action or situation on or off campus. "Hazing" means any act committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against a student in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, participating in, or maintaining membership in any organization that is affiliated with an educational institution; and that is intended, or should reasonably be expected, to have the effect of humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning a student or endangering the mental or physical health or safety of a student. Hazing also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in such acts. Hazing occurs regardless of the consent or willingness of a person to participate in the activity. Hazing may occur on or off campus. "Hazing" does not include any activity or conduct that furthers legitimate curricular, extracurricular, or military training program goals, provided that (1) the goals are approved by the College; and (2) the activity or conduct furthers the goals in a manner that is appropriate, contemplated by the College, and normal and customary for similar programs at other educational institutions.

            Non-Consensual Sexual Act
            Any actual or threatened non-consensual sexual act is prohibited.

            Stalking, which is willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following, contacting, or harassing another person in a manner which would cause a reasonable person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.

        3. Offenses Against Property

          Damage or Destruction of Property
          Destroying or vandalizing property, including accidental damage or vandalism, to property including but not limited to Central Oregon Community College property, facilities, and/or equipment is prohibited.

          Emergency Equipment
          Fire escapes, ground-level fire doors, fire hoses, extinguishers, and alarm equipment are to be used only as emergency devices. Blocking of fire exits or other means of impeding traffic is prohibited. Abuse, tampering with fire detection or alarm devices, or misuse of fire extinguishing equipment will not be tolerated. Offenders are subject to disciplinary action.

          Fire Safety
          No student shall commit, or aid in the intentional commission of, an act, which results in a fire being, ignited which causes damage, or is intended to cause damage, to the property of the College or to the property of any other person. Falsely reporting a fire or other emergency situation, including, but not limited to, activating a fire alarm or pre-alarm cover when there is no reasonably perceived emergency is also prohibited.

          Theft, Unauthorized Possession and/or Sale of Property
          Students involved in theft, unauthorized possession, and/or sale of property not belonging to them are subject to College disciplinary action as well as to arrest and prosecution by legal authorities. Students are required to make full restitution. Students in possession of property owned or controlled by the College (i.e., the bookstore, library, audio-visual department, athletic department) or of another person without authorization or payment for such property will be subject to College disciplinary action.

          Trespassing upon, forcibly entering, or otherwise proceeding into unauthorized areas of College owned or leased buildings or facilities, their roofs, or the residential space of another without permission is prohibited.

          Unauthorized Use of College Facilities
          The unauthorized use of, or entry into, any college facilities (i.e. classrooms, athletic fields), whether by force or not, is prohibited.

        4. Public Order/College Order Offenses

          Activities and Events On-Campus
          Use of college facilities for on-campus activities and events (i.e., outdoor concerts, student rallies, outside speakers) is prohibited on any of Central Oregon Community College properties except in areas designated by the proper college authority and subject to any limitations and provisions established by the director of Campus Services or designee.

          Bad Checks
          Students shall not make and/or deliver any check to the College, which is not supported by sufficient funds on deposit or is in any way worthless.

          Breach of Peace
          Conduct or expression on College-owned or controlled property which disrupts the orderly functioning of the College, or which is lewd, indecent or obscene, is prohibited.

          Contracting or Representation in the Name of the College
          Students are prohibited from contracting in the name of Central Oregon Community College and may not claim to be official representatives of the College for any commercial purposes.

          Dress Standards
          Students must comply with standards of dress established for safety or health reasons in specific classes, which require a dress standard.

          Falsification of Records
          Falsification of College records, including but not limited to admission, registration, student disciplinary and health records by forgery or other means of deception, is prohibited.

          Students are required to present student identification when requested by authorized College officials on college property or at college sponsored events. Any misrepresentation, alteration or misuse of identification is prohibited.

          Distribution or Sale of Literature or Goods
          Distribution or sale of literature or goods on the campus, including campus mail, must be approved by the Director of Student Life in accordance with the College Policies and Procedures Manual.

          Obeying Reasonable Order of College Officials
          Students are required to comply with reasonable requests or orders by authorized College officials or representatives acting in behalf of the College. This requirement includes reasonable requests for students to meet appointments in administrative offices and at disciplinary investigations and hearings.

          Students must park in student-designated spaces only. Failure to do so may result in a citation from a civil authority as well as disciplinary action on part of the College. Detailed information on COCC's regulations can be found in the COCC Traffic/Parking Regulation handbook which are available from Campus Services, the Boyle Education Center Information Booth, Redmond Campus Admissions Office, and the front office of the Madras Campus.

          Providing False Information
          No student shall knowingly give false or perjured testimony in any College investigation or proceeding. No student shall knowingly give false information to a College official or show reckless disregard for truth.

          Recognition of Student Groups
          In order to be classified as a student organization, established recognition procedures must be met and approved by the Associated Students or the Office of Student Life

          Search and Seizure
          College officials reserve the right, with probable cause, to search lockers or other College property when deemed necessary to uphold the basic responsibility of the College regarding discipline, safety, and the maintenance of an educational atmosphere. Contraband items will be confiscated and may be used as evidence in disciplinary cases. Briefcases, handbags, and other such containers may be searched in the library, in laboratories, in the bookstore, and at other places where materials or equipment are not secured.

          Use of Vehicles
          Riding of bicycles in hallways, in buildings, or on walkways is prohibited. Motorized vehicles are prohibited in areas other than designated roadways and parking lots. Mopeds are considered in the same category as bicycles. In-line skating or skateboarding is prohibited on all campuses of Central Oregon Community College in any locations or at times which, in the discretion of campus officials, constitute a pedestrian or motor traffic hazard, or which imperil the health or safety of persons and property on the campus. Due to Fire Marshall restrictions, bicycles are not permitted in buildings under any circumstances. Bikes may be locked only in approved locations (not to include handrails and/or lampposts).

          Violation of Probation
          A student who is alleged to have violated the Code of Conduct while being subject to Disciplinary action may be charged with the separate offense of violating disciplinary probation.

          No person - including students, employees, vendors, college patrons, or other visitors - may bring, possess, conceal, brandish, use or be in possession of a firearm, destructive device or other dangerous weapons (as defined by ORS 161.015 (1)(2), or give the appearance of being in possession, on college-owned or controlled property or at activities under the jurisdiction or sponsorship of the college, except as provided by ORS 166.360, ORS 166.370 and federal law. Campus Safety FAQ.

        5. Alcohol and Drug Offenses

          Alcohol / Illegal Drugs
          Drug-Free Campus. The unlawful possessions, use or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited on COCC property and grounds.

          Controlled Substances
          Possessing or using controlled substances as defined by federal, state, and local statutes and is prohibited. (Controlled substances may be taken pursuant to a properly issued prescription, provided the controlled substance is taken as and in the amount prescribed.)


        1. Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
          The college makes available computing and network resources for students. Appropriate use of the
          resources includes instruction, independent study, and campus communications. Those who avail
          themselves of the campus and network computing services are required to behave in their use of
          the technology in a manner consistent with G-22-0 Acceptable Use of Information Technology

          Respecting the rights, privileges and sensibilities of each other is essential in preserving the spirit of
          community at COCC. Actions, which make the atmosphere intimidating, threatening, or hostile to
          individuals, are therefore regarded as serious offenses. Abusive or harassing behavior, verbal,
          physical or electronic use which demeans, intimidates, threatens or injures another because of his
          or her characteristics or beliefs is subject to the College’s disciplinary sanctions.

        2. Children On Campus
          Only students who are enrolled in a given class or lab may sit in the class or lab. Children (under high school age 14) are not permitted to be enrolled as a student at Central Oregon Community College. Children (under high school age 14) are not permitted on campus unless directly supervised by a responsible adult. This adult accepts responsibility for maintaining acceptable behavior on the part of the child. The responsible adult will be asked to remove the disrupting child or children. Notwithstanding the above, children (under high school age 14) are not permitted in the College's Fitness Center in Mazama Hall at any time.

          NOTE: Exceptions would, with an instructor's concurrence, include students here at the invitation of theCollege, such as Honor's Day guests, Senior and special class visitation, etc.

        3. Designated Public Forum
          To promote the free exchange of ideas, Central Oregon Community College acknowledges students, faculty and employees their first amendment right to engage in free speech on campus in accordance with maintaining an environment that is not disruptive to the educational purpose of the institution The College has the discretion of designating a Designated Public Forum space for the purpose of open public communication for students, faculty, staff and the general public. The College may enforce content-neutral time, manner, and place regulations.

        4. Designated Public Forum
          The Designated Public Forum will be located at the convergence of the paved walkways from Ochoco and Grandview to the Modoc plaza area on the Bend Campus and the East entrance to the MATC building on the Redmond Campus.

          Use of the above Designated Public Forums is limited to daylight hours during the College's normal operating schedule. Students and staff may reserve use of the Designated Public Forum through the Office of Student Life. General Community may reserve use of the Designated Public Forums through Campus Services.

        5. Forum through the Campus Services Office.
          Speakers must have all printed materials approved prior to use of the Designated Public Forum. Speakers are responsible to ensure that all printed and other materials brought into the Designated Public Forum are removed at the conclusion of the activity, and that college funds shall not be required to return the Designated Public Forum to its original condition as the result of any individual or group exercising their rights of Free Speech in this area.

          Speech in the Designated Public Forum shall not be limited except that:
          1. There shall be no use of electronic or other sound amplification that interferes with the conduct of classroom, laboratory, library, office or other activities on campus.
          2. Speakers will not attempt by repeated demands, threats, or otherwise to coerce passersby into stopping and participating in debate or discussion.
          3. Interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of the flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
          4. There shall be no obscene or slanderous speech or distribution of obscene or libelous materials.
          5. No speech shall express or advocate racial, ethnic, religious, sex-based, other hate-based prejudice or other speech that incites students so as to create a clear and present danger of the imminent commission of unlawful acts or of the substantial disruption of the orderly operations of the college.
          6. The Designated Public Forum will not be used for any commercial activity, nor shall there be any solicitation of funds, or implied solicitation of funds, of any kind in the area

        6. Gambling
          Gambling is not permitted on campus.

        7. Pets
          Pets are not permitted on campus.

        8. Smoking
          Smoking is banned in all of the buildings of Central Oregon Community College. Smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco is limited to campus parking lots. During high fire danger periods, smoking will be banned completely.