G-31- Mazama Physical Education and Recreational Center Use

Central Oregon Community College will make the Mazama Physical Education and Recreation Center as available to the public as the College's financial and personnel resources will allow.Because of the nature of the building, certain restrictions are necessary. The conditions and restrictions on the use of the building are as follows:

  1. Use of the building involving physical activity--i.e., use of the weight room, gymnastics apparatus, tumbling mats, use of the gymnasium for organized or individual games or activities, etc.--shall be conducted only when personnel employed by the College, or approved by the College, are supervising the building.
  2. An organization that has arranged for the use of the building and has the necessary supervision, as outlined above, may use the locker and shower room areas.
  3. Children under the age of 16 will be allowed to use the facility only under the direct supervision of a responsible adult. Groups of youth under the age of 16 may use the facilities if such use is approved in advance in accordance with the policies of the College.