g-30-21 Syllabus Standards for Credit Classes

Approved: 2017-05-02

Each instructor must provide a course syllabus to enrolled students at the beginning of the course and to the department administrative assistant (who maintains a historical record for the College) for each section taught. Instructors must complete their syllabus and post it to the Canvas course site before the first class meeting of the term.

The syllabus serves as an outline of the course of study and communicates the instructor's design, including the information listed below. The syllabus may be used in grievance and judicial hearings; therefore, clarity and specificity are very important. The following elements are required to be included on every syllabus:
Course Information (title, number, CRN, credits, term and year, meeting times, location/web site)
Instructor information (name, office hours and location, phone and/or email)
Course description (from Catalog)
Learning Outcomes (from Banner)
Program-level Outcomes (for courses meeting AAOT Focus Area requirements, list focus area outcomes)
Course materials (list required materials including textbook, ISBN, publisher, any other required materials)
Technology (identify required technology and provide support contact)
Due dates for major graded work (such as exams, major essay or project)
Final Exam Date and Time
Grading and Assignments (explain how grades will be determined)
Grading Scale
COCC Policies (Full policy statements for the following: Important enrollment deadlines, Americans with Disabilities approved statement, COCC Non- Discrimination Policy; links for the following: Final Exam Policy, Students Rights and Responsibilities, Title IX Statement)

Academic Affairs has approved a recommended syllabus template to provide students with consistent
and comprehensive information to support their success. The template also includes optional
elements to include on a syllabus and examples from COCC faculty.
Related Materials: Syllabus Template information is available via the Office of VP for Instruction