How to Reach Me
Hello Learners,
When you need to get a hold of me and we arenot in class, contacting me by email is the most efficient way to reach me,particularly if you have a question about an assignment that you need an answerto quickly. I respond to email within 48 hours (though it is usually muchquicker than that).
Be sure to put your CRN (youcan see that on the front page of your syllabus, or in the top left hand cornerof
this page) in the subject line, your name,and the reason you are contacting me.
It will look like this:
22348-YourName-Reason for Writing
If you are contacting me to find out if Ihave graded an assignment, please remember that I allow a week after the duedate for the grading process, (often, it will be done much sooner).
If you have a question that needs to beanswered in order to continue working on the assignment, contact me throughemail.
Instructor Donovan