Tutoring FAQs
C.O.C.C. Tutoring
You may find that working with a tutor – someone who has had the same course you’re taking and has done well – is just what you need to get your learning back on track and also to develop your learning skills.
Questions About Tutoring
- Q: How much does tutoring cost?
A: Tutoring is a free service to students in their currently enrolled COCC classes.
- Q: What if there is no tutor for the class I need help with?
A: Tell of the Director of Tutoring. The instructor will be contacted to find out if someone is available.
- Q: What modes of tutoring are available?
A1: You can access COCC tutors in person or via Zoom in Canvas.
Go to your COCC Canvas account and click on the COCC Tutoring tab to find tutoring hours
for in-person tutoring and links to COCC tutors via Zoom.
A2. COCC’s Tutoring Center is a member of the Western E-Tutoring Consortium.
Accessing this service is easy! Visit:
A3. Face-to-face tutoring will be available for Math/Science/Professional Technical
on a drop-in and appointment basis (call 541-383-7534).
- Q: Do I need to prepare for my tutoring session?
A: Yes. You will get the most out of a tutoring session if you have a list of questions or topics that you would like to discuss. Please attempt all homework before working with a tutor. Arriving with class
notes is highly encouraged.
- Q: Where does tutoring take place?
A1: Face-to-face tutoring is offered in:
the lower level of the Bend Barber Library
the 2nd Floor of R-Tech in Redmond
A2: COCC Zoom tutoring is within Canvas
A3: Western eTutoring is accessed through our website as mentioned above
As we expand offerings, updates will be posted to our website.
FACULTY do the following:
- They teach class material specific to curriculum and assign/review progress on projects.
- They are the primary resource for answering questions and clarifying concepts during class, during office hours, and by appointment.
- They check and grade homework.
- They advise students on their program of study.
TUTORS will help in several ways:
- They will clarify information presented in class or in the textbook.
- They will engage in discussion of how to work particular problems.
- They will offer encouragement as you struggle to understand difficult concepts.
Contact Tutoring and Testing for more information at 541-383-7539.