Course Levels

Save the Date: June 23-26, 2025


Program will include:

REGISTER ONLINE   or call 541-383-7240


Group A (Levels 1 & 2): Beginning Low-Beginning Mid   
Michele Whaley

This blended level course is for students with no previous, or just a brief previous, introduction of Spanish.  It is intensive language instruction with an emphasis on developing basic communication skills in Spanish.  This course will introduce students to the most frequently-used verbs in Spanish so that students can immediately understand and share important needs and information.  Students will learn greetings, expressions of courtesy, and other useful beginning vocabulary through introductions, stories and songs. Group A will be taught using 70%-90% comprehensible Spanish.

Group B (Levels 3 & 4): Beginning High-Intermediate Low   
Janet Gesme

This blended level course is for students who have been introduced to, and have a working knowledge of the present tense   This course will provide a thorough and extensive review of the Present Tense only, practice of -AR, -ER & -IR verbs, introduction of stem-changing verbs, Ser & Estar, "Tener + que + infinitive ", and "Ir + a + infinitive." It will introduce reflexive verbs and pronouns, and introduction of the imperfect tense.  There will be an emphasis on vocabulary development, communication strategies, and oral proficiency. Group B will be taught using 70%-90% comprehensible Spanish.

Group C (Levels 5 & 6): Intermediate Mid-Intermediate High  
Skip Crosby

This blended level course is designed to continue building grammatical structures that focus on speaking, reading, writing, and understanding.  Topics include a review of the present tense and a comparison of the present and present progressive tenses.  Students will review the preterite and imperfect tenses, compare and contrast the preterite and imperfect tenses, and be introduced to additional uses in more complex sentences. New vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented and developed in conversational and written contexts.  It will introduce and expand the uses of the present subjunctive tense and formal commands.   Vocabulary development and communication strategies will be emphasized. Recommended for those who have a command of the present tense and a working knowledge of the past and future tenses; or one to two years of study at the college level. Group C will be taught using 70%-90% comprehensible Spanish.

Group D (Levels 7 & 8): Advanced Low-Advanced Mid   
Laurie Clarcq

This blended-level course is for students with a minimum of two to three years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent.  Students should have a working knowledge and familiarity with most tenses.  The course readings and discussions will be designed to facilitate the use of the preterite, imperfect and present/past perfect tenses with increased ease and accuracy.  Similar attention will be given to the present and past subjunctive.   The class will explore social media, short video clips, music and current events in addition to short stories, lyrics and poetry.  Group D will be taught using 70%-90% comprehensible Spanish.

Group E (Levels 9 & 10): Advanced High-Superior   
Javi Makepeace

This blended level course is for the most advanced students and will include concepts from levels advanced high and superior to create a robust and challenging course.  Students must have a minimum of three years of college level Spanish or the equivalent in Spanish speaking experience. This course will review the contrasts between the preterit and imperfect tenses and the uses of the present subjunctive mood. Additional concepts will include an introduction to the imperfect subjunctive mood and its uses and the conditional tense and its uses. Grammatical structures and vocabulary will be highlighted through literary selections, business terminology, and idiomatic expressions, proverbs, synonyms, and antonyms. Other topics include: the pronoun "se," complex sentences and new literary vocabulary, recognition of the different accents of the Spanish-speaking world, and how to improve one's own Spanish accent. Group E will be taught using 70%-90% comprehensible Spanish.


NOTE: Course offerings are contingent on sufficient enrollment.