Success Stories

Success Stories from the Small Business Development Center

Kaitlin Bachelor, Ranch House Early Learning

Kaitlin Bachelor - Ranch House Early Learning

"They set you up for success and turned my ‘what-ifs’ into ‘you got this."

Success Story - Ranch House Early Learning


Paul Spencer - The Computer Guy

Paul Spencer - Paul The Computer Guy

"I have the technical skills to fix computers, but I didn't have the background to run a business."

Success Story - Paul The Computer Guy

Harold Cecil - Giant Loop

Harold Cecil - Giant Loop

"The Small Business Development Center at COCC has been instrumental in helping us learn the fundamentals of business and how to become better owners and managers."

Success Story - Giant Loop

Pine Mountain Sports

Dan McGarigle - Pine Mountain Sports

"I know product and had
great relationships with our representatives, but zero
exposure as to how to financially run a small business."

Success Story - Pine Mtn Sports

Josh Sims - Gear Fix

Josh Sims - Repeat Performance Sports

"My goal is to create a sustainable business model that will allow me to serve my community, my customers and my staff in the best way I can."

Success Story - Repeat Performance (now Gear Fix)

Purely Maxwell

Scott Blaylock - Purely Maxwell

"I have received the support and encouragement needed
to take my business to retail."

Success Story - Purely Maxwell

Additional Client Success Stories in PDF format

Dudley's Bookshop Cafe

Dudley's Bookshop

Contact the SBDC

Call us at 541-383-7290 or request free confidential business advising at