Welcome! We're happy you're here. Getting started at COCC is easy and we're here to
help you succeed! Just follow these steps and you'll be on the path to a great education.
Have questions? Watch an overview of your enrollment steps or sign up for an optional Getting Started Appointment where an Admissions Coordinator
will support you through the COCC enrollment process. (Important: this is not academic advising & you will not be registering for classes
at this appointment).
1 Apply for Admission
Complete your COCC application and pay the $25 non-refundable application fee.
2 Activate your Account
Set up your COCC account by resetting your password and enrolling in Duo Security.
3 View Bobcat Welcome
Bobcat Welcome is an online introduction and takes approximately 30-45 minutes to
4 Explore How to Pay for College
Every student needs a plan to pay for college. Learn about tuition and fees, scholarships,
and other payment options. Financial help is available, but you have to start early.
5 Provide Official College Transcripts
If you have transfer credits from previous colleges, the credits may apply to your
degree requirements, meet course prerequisites, or satisfy the placement requirement. Request that your official college transcripts
and test score reports be sent to COCC.
6 Provide Placement Information
Placement information is required for all students taking credit classes. There are
several options for providing placement, including completion of college level math
and writing or taking the placement assessment.
7 Advising
Once you have completed your Placement Assessment or provided placement information,
sign up for your Advising appointment.
8 Register for Classes
After your advising appointment, you can register for classes through your Bobcat
Web Account.
9 Attend Bobcat Orientation
Start your classes with confidence. Get everything you need before the first day of
For assistance, please contact Admissions and Records at welcome@cocc.edu or 541-383-7500.