Facilities Advisory Committee

CHARGE: The primary purpose of the Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) is to provide advice on college facilities issues by reviewing and recommending in areas of planning, budgeting, purchasing, maintaining, renovating and constructing of College buildings and grounds, in matters of new campus construction, existing facilities renovation and use, and in other College facilities support areas. The Committee will establish and update priority lists as they relate to the above. Recommendations from the FAC will be provided to the vice president for administration, and submitted by the vice president for administration to present to the president and/or Board for approval when appropriate. In addition to the Committee recommending funding in maintenance and renovations, it is anticipated that the FAC may utilize a task force structure for specific facilities-related topics.

Facilities Modification Request Form

Facilities Advisory Committee Workflow

Membership, Voting Status and Terms

Administrator (2) Appointed by the President Voting Two years
Faculty (2)* Elected by the Faculty Forum Voting Two years
Classified Staff (2)* Elected by Classified Association Executive Committee Voting Two years
Students (2) Appointed by ASCOCC Voting As available (one term min and up to two years)
Director of Campus Services Automatic Non-Voting Standing
Vice President for Administration Automatic Voting Standing

*Appointment years are staggered

Chair Election: Chair to be elected annually by the committee.