Policy and Procedures Proposal Process

Proposal Process

The essential process of policy, program and procedure development and revision entails the evolution of a proposal starting with the initial development by any COCC individual (administrator, faculty, staff or student) or group and then proceeding through deliberations by the appropriate Committee with authority to make recommendations in that area. 

Proposals for Policy/Procedures (creation or revision)

A proposal may be initiated in any instance that an authoritative body deems necessary the development or revision of a policy, program, or procedure toward a more effective version. Initiated by any individual or group, proposals are designed to develop new or revise current policies, programs and procedures. The recommendation, approval and implementation pathway is determined by the level of influence of the proposal (ie. campus wide vs. department) and the levels of bodies affected by the proposal.  

The Shared Governance Work Group (SGWG) provides guidance on the appropriate pathway and level of deliberation and approval. In essence, a group may propose policy/programs/procedure to an appropriate body so long as the proposal is far-reaching. Intra-Departmental proposals may not require the approval and recommendation of any other groups. 

Deliberation and Recommendation

Departments, task forces, work groups, and committees conduct a process of deliberation that focuses on finalizing any proposal toward an accepted end to be approved at an appropriate level. Sub-Committees make recommendations to Committees. Policy committees make recommendations to the President and some advisory committees.

Revisions of Proposals

Any revisions, additions as recommended by a deliberating body should be completed by the original individual or group who made the original proposal.

Recommendations and Approvals

The final stage must include a process of acceptance (or repeal) by an appropriate body, charged with the authority to make the final recommendation.