Matthew Novak brings American Society of Primatologist conference to Bend
The American Society ofPrimatologists 2015 conference was held in Bend June 16 to 20. More than300 primatologists and their guests from the U.S. and around the world, as faraway as Scotland, Poland, Brazil and Vietnam, attended 30 different scientificsessions ranging from animal welfare, conservation and biodiversity, toneuroscience, genetics and biomedical research. The conference wassponsored by COCC and hosted by psychology assistant professor Matthew Novak,anthropology assistant professor Michel Waller, psychology associateprofessor Andria Woodell, the student Psychology Club, the studentCriminal Justice Club and many other student volunteers. Sessions were held at the Riverhouse hotel and convention center and here oncampus in the Science Center. Sociology professor Tom Barry andhis bluegrass band Railroad Spikes got everything off to a good start in apreconference reception held the night before the Opening Ceremony. The musicwas great! Mayor Jim Clinton and I were on hand to welcome ASP to Bendduring the opening ceremony the following morning. Throughout theconference both a silent auction and an art sale (paintings of criticallyendangered primate species) were going on to raise money for primateconservation around the world. Peter Meyer art instructor, the artfaculty and many of their students contributed pieces for the auction. More than $10,000 was raised. Matt Novak had examples of theart that was available in his office. COCC provided vans to shuttleconference goers to downtown and to the Old Mill District and to our local chimpanzee sanctuary ChimpsInc. ASP contacted Matt to seeif he and COCC would be willing to host it again in 2019 or 2020. Twenty-five COCC students whovolunteered and attended the conference. In appreciation the society gaveboth Matt Novak and COCC, and then the students separate standingovations at the closing banquet.