Grant to Bolster Native American, Afrocentric Programs
Central Oregon Health Council grant supports diversity and inclusion programs at COCC
A grant from the Central Oregon Health Council (COHC) to Central Oregon Community
College (COCC), totaling $88,501, will facilitate a new high school summer symposium
for regional Afrocentric students and partially fund an existing Native American college
prep coordinator’s annual salary.
“We partner with our communities to guide and align vision, strategy and activities
across industries for a healthier Central Oregon,” said Donna Mills, executive director
of COHC. “This grant will enable our communities to focus in areas that have been
systemically oppressed. COCC is building off a strong record of improving high school
graduation rates with large percentages of low-income students, and we’re so proud
to be a partner.”
The Native American college prep program is currently offered in five Central Oregon
high schools and serves approximately 40 to 60 students annually. The program has
led to a 98% high school graduation rate for participating students, a rate that surpasses
the state’s graduation rate for Native American students. Additionally, approximately
76% of the students in the program go on to college.
Christy Walker, COCC’s director of diversity and inclusion, said the support is essential
and will enable the college to keep its Native American college prep coordinator funded
through August 2022, while also initiating the first-ever Afrocentric summer symposium
next year.
“Knowing there are organizations in our communities that support this work is tremendous,”
said Walker. “It shows that we are no longer living in silos when it comes to student
support. Acknowledging the value of culturally specific programming shows folks in
our communities that they are seen, they belong and they are welcome.”
COCC will model the new Afrocentric symposium on its existing weeklong summer programs
for Central Oregon Latinx and Native American high school students, which are designed
to offer an inside look at the college experience while sharing support services,
such as financial aid sessions. Students live on campus for four days and learn about
career options while engaging in cultural exploration.
Media coverage:
Image: COCC's Native American summer symposium in 2018.