Counseling, Social Work & Human Services

Counseling group

Learn About The Many Careers in Human Services

List of careers in human services

Human service providers work in organizations that serve people in need in a variety of capacities and locations including treatment facilities, schools, prisons, government agencies, health departments, and nonprofit organizations. Providers help people and address a multitude of community issues:

Issues in human services



Academic & Career Pathways

Degree paths

Entry Level Training Certifications

The COCC Community Health Worker and Peer Support Specialist classes provide entry level training and certification to help students enter into the workforce. Students can complete courses before they are 18 years old (and apply for certification when they turn 18).

  • Community Health Worker
    COCC Community Health Worker Training (6 credits, 10 week class)

    What you will learn:
    • Effective patient education and group facilitation strategies
    • Relationship building and strategies for supporting behavior change
    • Community advocacy: community needs assessments & community organizing
    • Case Management - assist patients with accessing community resources and navigating the health care system
    • How to manage home visits
    • Recovery, resilience, and wellness models
    • Public health essential knowledge: social determinants of health, disease prevention, health across the lifespan, cultural competency, and trauma informed care
  • Peer Support Specialist
    COCC Peer Support Specialist Training (6 credits, 4 week class)

    What You Will Learn:
    • The recovery model process and stages of change
    • Strategies for supporting peers with wellness, self-efficacy, resilience, self- mastery, empowerment, and recovery
    • Peer support roles and how to work in a team setting with healthcare providers
    • Culturally responsive care
    • Peer advocacy strategies
    • Motivational interviewing, coaching, group facilitation, conflict resolution, and effective communication strategies
    • Facilitating linkages to community resources
    • Professional and ethical responsibilities
    • Crisis intervention and trauma-informed care